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In accordance with article 10 of law 34/2002, services of the information society and electronic commerce, it is put in its knowledge that the owner of the website is: EJOVE LABORATORY, S.L. With registered office for this purpose in C/Sindo Saavedra, 62 – Poligono Industrial El Goro – Telde, 35219, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. CIF B-35908177 Tel: + 34 928 42 60 09;
1. Introduction
This disclaimer governs the use of the HTTPS website:// (hereinafter, the website) owned by Ejove LABORATORY, S.L., with CIF B – 35908177 and registered office in C/Sindo Saavedra, 62 – Poligono Industrial El Goro – Telde, 35219, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain
Access to the website is free except in relation to the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider hired by the users.
2. Acceptance
The use of the website attributes the condition of user and implies the acceptance of all the conditions and terms of use included in this legal notice. Users are encouraged to read this Legal notice periodically, as the conditions of use thereof, which are included in the aforementioned notice, may undergo modification.
EJOVE LABORATORY reserves the right to modify the conditions and terms of use of this page unilaterally. Any change in this direction will be published in a visible way on the webpage, indicating the date of the last update at the top of the document. If you continue to make use of the services provided on the website, after modifying the terms of use thereof, it will be understood that you accept the modifications made therein.
3. Navigation, access and security
Access and browsing on this web site implies accepting and knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein. EJOVE LABORATORY, makes the maximum effort to make the navigation in the best conditions and avoid the damage of any kind that could be caused during the same.
The proprietor is not responsible for any damages, of any kind, that could be caused to the users by the use of other browsers or versions other than the Navigators for which the Website has been designed.
Access to this web site is done in a secure environment, so the information is transmitted in encrypted form.
4.User obligations
4.1 Obligation to make proper use of the website
The conditions of access and use of this website are subject to the legality in force and to the principles of good faith and lawful use on the part of the user of the same being prohibited, in general, any type of action to the detriment of EJOVE LABORATORY , and contrary to this Legal notice.
The user agrees to use this service without incurring activities that may be considered illicit or illegal, which infringes the rights of EJOVE LABORATORY, or third parties, or that may damage, disable, overload or impair the website or prevent the normal use of the same on the part of other users.
4.2 Prohibitions
It is forbidden to use this website for illegal or unauthorized purposes, in particular and without limitation:
5. Actualidad
The information that appears on this website is the one enforced on the date of its last update. The holder reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information on this website.
6. Intellectual Property
All the information contained in this webpage, as well as its graphic designs and the codes used, are protected by copyrights or other rights of protection collected in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 of April, which approves the text Recast of the intellectual property law. These rights belong exclusively to EJOVE LABORATORY, or to its licensors. Therefore it has expressively excluded any act of reproduction, distribution, transformation or public communication, as well as any type of transfer, of all or part of the Contents of this site. In general, of any object that according to the current legislation, is protected by the rules of intellectual property.
All content of the Web and all content available through the cardholder’s products and services including designs, text, graphics, images, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, as well as their selection and disposition ( The «content») is the exclusive property of the holder or its licensors, with all rights reserved.
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All trademarks, logos and anagrams shown on this site are the property of EJOVE LABORATORY, or of third-party companies. It is expressively forbidden to use without prior consent. Any element of this webpage that is subject to protection in accordance with current legislation relating to industrial property. In particular, trademarks, trade names, establishments ‘ labels, denominations, logos, slogans or any distinctive sign belonging to the proprietor may not be used.
8. Privacy Policy
If you want to know our privacy policy click here
9. Cookie Policy
If you want to know our cookie policy click here.
10. Hyperlinks
The user who wants to introduce links from his own web pages to that of EJOVE LABORATORY, must comply with the conditions that are detailed below without the ignorance of them avoid the responsibilities derived from the law:
11. Responsibility.
The user will be solely responsible for any infringements that may incur or the damages that may be caused to third parties for the improper or illegitimate use of the website.
EJOVE LABORATORY shall not be liable for any possible damages arising from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operating operation of electronic systems or Computer scientists, motivated by causes beyond the company, of delays or blockages in the use of such systems caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines, overloads in the Internet system or in other electronic systems.
The proprietor does not guarantee the veracity nor is responsible for the consequences that could derive from the errors in the contents provided by third parties that could appear in this web page.
Similarly, EJOVE LABORATORY is not responsible for the contents, products or services that can be viewed by electronic links (links), directly or indirectly, through the website, except in those cases foreseen in the Article 17 of law 34/2002, of 12 July, on services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI). In the event that a user considers that there is a linked site with illicit or inadequate content, he must make them aware of the EJOVE LABORATORY, following the procedure laid down in paragraph 9 of this LEGAL NOTICE.
The links do not necessarily represent the existence of a relationship between EJOVE laboratory, and the individuals and entities holding the pages to which they give access or the recommendation, promotion or identification of EJOVE laboratory, with the demonstrations, Content or services provided through them. The holder reserves the right to withdraw unilaterally and at any time the links appearing on its website.
EJOVE LABORATORY, does not know the contents and services of the linked sites and, therefore, is not responsible for the damage caused by the wrongfulness, quality, decurrentization, unavailability, error and uselessness of the same or for any other damage that does not directly attribe to it.
The owner of the website is exempt from liability as to the «cookies » that third parties could install on the hard disk of the user’s computer.
12. Communications
For any communication that needs to be done, send an email to or send a written communication to Ejove Laboratory, C/Sindo Saavedra, 62 – Poligono Industrial El Goro – Telde, 35219 las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. The user independently accepts the use of electronic mail as a valid procedure for the submission of communications.
13. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
The terms and conditions governing this website and all the relationships that may arise are safeguarded by Spanish law. Any controversy that may arise from the access or use of this website will be the competence of the courts of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Ejove Laboratory, S.L., 2020 © All rights reserved